Who May Exhibit? All work must be handmade in the USA or Canada by the exhibiting artist.
Amenities: Online Artist Listing with image & website. Show Catalog listing & advertising opportunity
Categories Accepted: Ceramics, Fiber-Decorative, Fiber-Wearable, Furniture, Glass, Jewelry, Leather, Metal, Mixed Media, Painting, Photography, Sculpture and Wood.
Booth Fees: Booth fees may be found on each individual show page. There is a $35 non-refundable application fee. Application Fees & Deposits are non-refundable once accepted. A $200 deposit is due upon acceptance to confirm participation.
Selection Process: Richard & Joanna Rothbard, the show's producers and also the owners of An American Craftsman Galleries will be selecting artists based on originality of design, technical expertise, overall aesthetics as well as presentation. All categories of fine craft and fine art will be considered and in balance so that a cross section of all media will be represented.
See the full list of eligibility criteria and show policies in the Terms & Conditions of Participation HERE.
When Will I Be Notified? Jury notification will be emailed within 3 weeks of the application deadline.